Which 2 hotels in Centro Habana are most eco-friendly?

Which 2 hotels in Centro Habana are most eco-friendly?

The average hotel in Centro Habana emits 8.3 kg CO2 per night, but by choosing a more sustainable hotel you can reduce your footprint below this.

At Staze we've calculated the CO2 footprint of 2 hotels in Centro Habana using multiple live data sources and an approach based on academic research.

So here are the 2 hotels that we would recommend in Centro Habana!

The best eco hotel in Centro Habana

Melia Habana Hotel

Melia Habana Hotel in Centro Habana!

Melia Habana Hotel has the lowest carbon footprint per night booked. They have reduced their energy usage and taken more energy from lower carbon sources, meaning that they are leading the way on sustainability in Centro Habana.

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The hotel where luxury meets sustainability

Melia Cohiba Hotel

Melia Cohiba Hotel in Centro Habana!

The Melia Cohiba Hotel in Centro Habana is your best option for a more environmentally friendly luxurious stay. They are going further than the competition to reduce the energy intensity of a stay right now.

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Even with eco tourism booming, eco-friendly accommodation can be hard to come by. For more of the best sustainable hotels in Centro Habana and across the world, browse Staze.

Booking any of these eco-friendly hotels in Centro Habana still creates a carbon footprint, if you book with Staze then we'll double offset your carbon footprint for free so your trip has a positive impact on the climate.